North Eastern NC Support Group?
Hello everyone! I wanted to take a moment and see if there were any members here in the Bertie county or surrounding areas? If so and you are interested in starting a support group in this area let me know.
There is a support group in Greenville NC which is about an hour away and it's never at a time when I can be there so I really want to get a group together, even if it's small, in this area.
I'm currently running Public Service Announcments in the local papers and so far I've gotten one response. I'm running them again this coming week and maybe for a couple of more weeks to come. If anyone is interested I created a generic email account to receive emails from interested persons and so that I wouldn't have to post my personal email address in the paper.
[email protected]
Feel free to send me a message here on the site as well.
I lead a support group for Homeschooling families in this area so I know how important peer support is when dealing with ways of life. We've all either made huge life alterning changes or are about to, this group would be open to anyone who's had any sort of weight loss surgery or is planning to.
Let me know if you are interested in getting together sometime!
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155