Anyone from Swansboroor Hubert????
Hi All You North Carolinians!!!!
Well, I am up here in Jersey I've been replanted here But I am from Hubert Went to Swansboro High..Just wondering if theres anyone here from Swansboro or Hubert...
I miss home but love it up here.
I am waiting for insurance approval for RNY.
Please say a prayer for me I feel connected to NC!!
Blessings to all,
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your reply. I miss good ole' Swansboro the last time i was down there was 2003.. to long ago!
Then next time I come home no one will recognize me.
I hope to have my surgery before the end of the year.
When i was down in 03 I was amazed at how built up it was I moved up here in 88.
I am in central Jersey now and 30 minute from the shore I love it here. although its to EXPENSIVE TO LIVE HERE and crowded too!! Oh well such as life....
How have you done with your surgery?
Look forward to chatting in the future I'll keep you posted
Welcome back to the area! I'm in the Jacksonville area (live in Richlands) and work on Camp Lejeune. I relocated from San Diego and miss the fast pace, but I love it here too!
Hopefully you'll be able to come to our Jacksonville get together when we get one goin!
Take care!

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"