Also want to know how you take Biotin or any other medicine. When can you begin to swallow pills again?
Thanks for the info.
Rocky Mount, NC

Jennifer -
I was losing a little bit until this week and now I'm shedding like puppy in springtime. Good news ... I have a lot of hair. Bad news ... it's dark. Right now, it's about as bad as it was after my gall bladder surgery 13 yrs ago and when I was pregnant with my twins. I guess I'll just have to see what happens. I knew that this was likely and I have to say at this point, it's worth the trade.
Hope yours continues to stay thick.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hello Everyone,
Mine started coming out when I was 2 months out.....I made sure that I had plenty of protein increase. I did go and get a short haircut...something easy to care for. When I was about5 months outs...ot slowed down alot and started to grow back in...I'm still sporting the short hair cut....I like it and it's very easy to care for. Have a Great Day Stephanie