Did anyone have a phase where their hair got thicker? I am a little over 3 months out and I have been waiting for my hair to start thinning down... but lo and behold it is getting even thicker!! WEIRD.
It may start falling out tomorrow, but right now my thick hair is getting thicker. It is all too strange.
Mine has slowed down and is starting to come back in. Like the above post, it's curlier. I agree, consider yourself blessed. If it does begin to fall out, don't freak, it will stop.
Incidentally, while my hair (on my head) was falling out, my leg, pit, and eyebrow hair was growing faster, and my eyelashes got waaaay longer. Weird!
Take care.
I am so glad you mentioned all the other hair.....My hair begin falling out like clockwork between 3-6 months post op- I have baby fine blonde hair- started the Biotin and it helped tremendously- helped make me shave my legs every other day; have to get my eyebrows waxed for the 1st time in my life and OH MY=I LOVE my outrageously long eyelashes now! Some days I wonder if it's just because my face has changed so much and is slimmer- thus the eyelashes are more noticable, other days I feel like I could do a Covergirl mascara commercial. I continue to love all these unexpected nuisances from WLS.....It's an intiguing journey!
Jenn- hopefully your's will continue to thicken and never shed.....
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
Yup yup, going through disposable razors like water!
The hair growth was not something I was expecting, but I'll take it if the weight keeps coming off! I had a lot of hair to give to the cause on my head, so the hair loss is okay. It is, however, frightening when you wa**** and it comes out by the handful!
It stopped just in time to prevent me from having to have it cut off. I wanted to keep it longer if I could. I did get a couple of inches cut off for the time being while it's thinner, the bottom was so stringy.
My doctor assures me it will grow back, to be patient. I can't wait to see what it looks like, I hear that it has every chance of coming back totally different. So far, if it continues like it appears to, I'll look like a poodle!
Take care.

The typical time frame for hair fall out is starting at 3 months out and lasting through about 5-6 months out. It can start sooner or later and end sooner or later, that's just the "guideline". In any event, by 6 months out mine had slowed considerably. I, like you, wondered why I wasn't bald since so much was coming out. It is particularly bad when I wa****
The Biotin will work, at least it does for me and Sheila, and others that I know, but it takes time. The loss you're seeing is from earlier on. Be patient, it will stop and it will grow back.
Incidentally, my hair is actually breaking, not falling out at the root, for the most part. It was worst in the front where my part is, so I started switching up the sides to minimize the damage. It did help to do that. I think just the extra wear and tear from parting it in the same spot was not helping. Treat your hair gently; try a wide toothed comb when it's wet, use heat sparingly, and consider a "reconstructing" conditioner. That did help for me. I tried Nioxin, but didn't care for it. It made my hair brittle, and since it was breaking, I judged that to be a bad thing. I didn't mind the " Mane and Tail" conditioner, but it only worked if I used it as a "leave-in" conditioner. It did nothing if I rinsed it out.
In addition to Biotin, I take a "hair, skin, and nails" vitamin that I get at Walmart (purple box). It's got some Biotin in it, but I supplement with more. It also has MSM and some other stuff in it. I also take Silica in liquid form. I add it to yogurt, juice, or a protein shake. I don't know if it helps, but I am pretty sure it's not hurting. I got that at Vitamin Shoppe.
These are just my thoughts and experiences. Each person is different and should carefully monitor their own situation and see what works best for them.
Take care and good luck!