I have been MIA... and I don't like it!!!
Hello everyone... I cannot believe it has been almost a week since I have been on OH!! <> I simply have had no time. Now..that is just plain silly sounding I know, but it is the truth. I have been so busy looking for a job. Since I am being displaced at the end of November, I gotta find me a new one! They say that trying to find a job is a FULL-TIME job. I believe it this week. I have made some progress with some phone interviews, and things lined up......but....
as we all know...also... I am still waiting on the pending approval of my insurance for the Foubi Surgery. I am just not sure what to tell people when I "do" interview. I was open and honest with one yesterday and they were not pleased at all to hear that I "wanted to wait until I hear about my surgery" to even talk about a start date. She told me that I basically wasted her time. wheew..sure am glad I found out what kind of "company" they are before I got in deeper. Just floored me that she even went there to say something like that. But I do understand their need. That is fine, but don't make me feel bad about something I'm doing for myself. <>
Total lack of respect.
What have I missed wonderful OH Friends... Its almost the weekend. Whats everyone up to?

www.youravon.com/cmccaughey - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!