Hello Friends
For all of you wondering where I am...I am still here. Thank you for caring enough to ask. (((hugs)))
I'll tell you the reason for my absence, but I hope it doesn't sound selfish or like I'm whining like a spoiled child, but here goes...
While I am SOOOOOOOOO happy and SOOOOOOOO proud of you all...newbies w/ surgery dates, post ops and all your amazing successes...I have begun (again) to feel like this was not meant to be for me.
I know...I know..."Just hang ing there." Well, I have been hanging in, I have been trying to keep a positive outlook on things, but it has gotten really difficult lately. ZERO progress with Voc Rehab. I guess I'm lucky that I even get to speak to a human voice there to tell me "Sorry. We'll get back to you when we know more."
I find you all so supportive and caring, but at this point I need a while to distance myself from OH. Not because it isn't helpful anymore...it absolutely is! I just feel like it's "in my face," if you understand that. Everyone making progress and me just spinning my wheels in the mud. Jealousy is such an ugly word and I tell myself I'm not...but there it is, I guess. I was speaking to a friend on the phone about this who said it's like "Being the bridesmaid and never the bride." BINGO! It gets tiring, ya know? This is 10 months now, y'all!!
Another issue plaguing my emotional state is the fact that, of the 30+ lbs Dr. Harris required me to lose before he'd schedule surgery, I have gained back almost 10 since being denied WLS in July. I feel the vortex trying to suck me under, once again. I'm taking time to focus on me and what I need to do.
I hope that you guys understand this. Not sure I do. Just another emotional bump in this extremely long road. I don't want you to think I am shutting you out. I'm just shutting out the whole WLS issue for a while till I gather myself again, find my focus and strength, and proceed down a more positive path. This little lamb is just a bit lost right now.

I think that we all understand ... My heart aches for your pain. I hope that in time, you will have the surgery because I believe that it will change your life. If I could come knock on your door and give you are "real" hug I would.
I must admit that I will miss you, but I truly understand. Please be gentle with yourself and cake care. When you are ready and able, I hope to see you again.
With love, your friend,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Back Up Girl friend I totally know where you are comming from.
Yes it sucks big time to hear about all the good things happing to those who have made it to the bench.
You have to be persistant and that can be very hard.
I fought tooth and nail for 3 years I felt many times this would never happen and the depression was horrible waiting day after day for the phone to ring with good news or get a letter and not to mention the repeated question from friends and family "do you have a date"?
I am comming to Topsail October 28th through the 30th and I so want to meet you and the other OH memebers who live there please dont let me down Mare I love you no matter if you have had surgery or not.
The boards are not the same without you.

I completely understand hon. There was a time before I got my approval when I had to kinda shut the whole process out for a while. I had been jumping through the hoops for months and was beginning to feel like it would never happen.
Take some time hon, just know that we're here anytime you want to talk, OK?
Sending you lots of love and {{hugs}}
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167
Goal Weight: 155
Start: 306
Surgery: 284
Current: 167

Goal Weight: 155