I love my pouch
I have come up with a name for my pouch I have named her "Bubbles"
She can be very loud at times especially after I have my SF pudding with protien and sometimes after that in the morning she dosent feel to good but it does pass and I am happy and satified.
I wish I could tell the world the joy I have for having this surgery.
On the 23rd I would love to share my testemony with the wls group but I tend to get very emotinal in a public setting.
I do plan on telling my surgeon how grateful I am for him saving my life twice not only with the surgery but with having my filter put in.
I am moving so much better and when I come to curbs I have to step up on or off I tell myself I can do this now and I do it without the pending fear of falling all the time.
I am noticing when I have to get up and walk to another area I can do it and I dont feel that tired feeling of having to drag that extra weight with me.
Anyone who knows me personally knows I love fairies.
I feel like I am a little fairie inside who is just learning to spread her wings and fly.
So happy for you and I know you are enjoying the freedom of wl. I am ok walking but me knees hurt some. I am looking forward to that freedom also. Here is a list of freedoms you have now or, are closing in on......and also this is a list I dream of.
Going in a resturant and..
no fear of booths, or the fat person stare
Going to the movies and having plenty of room in the seats.
Flying with no extender belt
Getting up out of low sinking furniture.
Walk up hill or stairs with out breathing hard
Siting behind the wheel of any car without stomach rubbing.
Sit on the floor and be able to get up
Buy normal sized clothing in ALL dept. stores
Be comfortable on beach ( i feel like a beached whale)
Not feel like my family is ashamed of me in public(in my head only)
Ride the rides at parks and not be afraid of not fitting.
Just to be proud!
You are doing so well and have had a lot of WOWS and have so many more to come. Oh, there is a on going joke between my sister and I about me being the Fat Fairy. I dressed as one with butterfly wings. So faries are special to me also.
Keep up the good work you have my support and cheers.

Myrtis -
I love your response.
Your turn is coming soon.
All the best,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145