Taking a toll...
Hey ladies.
Sorry I haven't been around much. This first week is taking a toll on me. I finally feel a little better today, but it's been a rough few days. I thought i was getting sick yesterday and had planned to go to the regular doctor this morning, but took some OTC medicine last night per the surgeon's office and feel some better. I know it's all worth it, but ti's seems so far off right now.
I'm trying to drink and walk and I'm sick of boost!!! BLEH! I'm so ready to at least get in some pureed meals. Would it be SO bad to cheat a little in a couple days with some thing REALLY soft and pureed like soup? I tried some chicken noodle soup drained last night--just broth and it was ok.
Still not feeling hungry although my MIND wants food. I cant' believe this is actually over-- at least the surgery part, but I'm ready to be eating semi-normal again.
I hope you all are well. I'll check in again when I feel up to it.
Love to you and all and good luck to everyone who is having surgery this week!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
I'm so sorry you're feeling so badly. It does get better, honest!
As to stretching the rules, I sure wouldn't. You have open wounds in your digestive system and you sure don't want anything to irritate them. Let them heal.
For chewing, can you eat sugar free popsicles? That helped me with the "I have to use my teeth for something!!!" feeling.
Warm decaf tea helped me a bunch, too.
Hang in there!
The first week is the hardest Melinda, it'll get better, I promise! I got so disgusted with Boost that I hope I never see it again! I feel you there. Remember why you're doing this and what your goals are, keep focused on the future and what you have in store. You're strong, you can do this!
Take care.
I know how you feel I was told I could have cream soups when I got home but the amount was only about 3oz.
Before doing ANYTHING call your doctor or NUT.
Once I could do cream soups I thought they were the best thing I ever had.
Also try to find soup with protien in it read your labels protien was what helped me feel so much better and it gives me energy which my energy level took about 6 weeks to get my total energy back.
I still do soup alot and making your own soup with beans boost the protien up.
Melinda I promise you this will pass and you will know in your heart you have done the best thing ever for yourself.
Eatting for me now is trail and error and the part I love sooo much is the small amount to fill me up.
Hang in there we are here for you always.
Hey gal, sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. I sure hope it gets better soon. I always heard the first 2 weeks are the worst. in a few months we will look back on these tough times and say "wow, it was worth every minute of misery".
Take care and I'll try to call tomorrow. Alice

Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09