I'm home... trying to relax and recover...
Hey Ladies! I'm home!!! We got home yesterday afternoon about 4:30pm after a longggggggggg day of waiting at the hospital. Dr. Mac was off since it was a weekend and Dr. Mann was on call. He finally moseyed on around to my room about 3pm and immediately my nurse was on the paperwork and got me discharged. I'm so glad to be home!!! I was able to talk to Dr. Mac on Friday--I was so drugged up by the time he made it to me on Thursday before surgery I barely even said "hey". He said that was normal and chuckled. He told my husband, James, and my mom on Thursday that the surgery went well and that he had "never seen a liver so small on someone her size before". That made me feel good. I also dropped another 10 pounds from what I weighed at the surgeon's office on October 1 on the morning of the surgery. Ofcourse with having the IV the entire time I was there, I've gained it all back, but I'm hoping is just fluid and will pass quickly. I have been walking and drinking boost. I had my first bout with GAS last night and then one again tonight and it was AWFUL! I finally realized I think it's the protein water I have been drinking. I drank some last night and then a little more tonight and it really puts me in pain. I took a gas-x tablet and walked some and it feels better. So far, I've only taken 2 gas-x tabs, one yesterday and one today, but I had to something. I felt like a helium balloon about to explode!!! I can say I'm already tired of the boost shakes, but I'm trying to get them in. I'm able to get in all of my water-- at least I'm trying to-- and sip sip sip!!! I'm drinking about 2 oz or a little more every hour--I think that is right. Your thoughts? Also, on the first two weeks of liquid diet, should I weight 30 min before and 30 min after when drinking the boost? I have been doing that, but was wondering if it was right. I also try to spread out the boost over a 20 minute period.
I took my first "real" shower today and it was nice. James helped me with my sponge baths at the hospital and I always felt better after, but nothing like the shower. I was able to wash my hair too and got my first look at the staples. Interesting and a little gross to see yourself like that. Dr. M said keep them open-not covered so that is what I'm doing. Should I put antibiotic cream on them or just leave them alone? Again, I'm looking to you ladies for help!! James has been absoulutely wonderful and I tell him all the time how much I appreciate him. I know many people haven't had all the support that I have had and I hate that. This is really hard to go through and you really need the support of your family and friends. Please know we are all here for you though and if you can't get help, please PM us and I guarentee we will all be willing to help anyway we can!
Thanks so much to Darcie and Ellen for visiting me. It was so great to meet you Darcie in person. I loved being able to share "real life" experiences with Mama and James. They both said you both were extremely nice and were glad they were able to meet you. Ellen, thanks for the beautiful flower! I have it sitting in the living room with me so I can look at it often--I just love mums! Darcie, thanks so much for my "goodie basket". I haven't tore into it yet, but I did take a peak and see all the protein shakes and sugar free candy. You were just too sweet to drive all the way up from Richlands to see me!!! I hope you have a blast in Florida and please let us know when you get back! I'll PM you my numbers so you can call me if you want while you are down there or when you get back. James took tons of pictures in the hospital just prior to me going into surgery and coming out so I'll try to get those posted shortly. I also have a great one of me and Darcie so I'll post it also. I think that's it from here. I'm just ready to drop some weight. I'm ready for everything I'm going through to PAY OFF. I know it will with time, but you know how impatient we are!!! :) Thanks again ladies for all of your support... I'll check in with you tomorrow! Love you all! :)
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Good Morning Melinda -
Great to hear that you are doing well and have such wonderful support ... from home and OH friends. Aren't Ellen and Darcie great?! I don't think that there is anything quite like a real shower and your own bed. I'm sure you are really grateful to be home.
Re: GasX - Contact your Dr's office. I was able to use the GasX strips that disolve in your mouth.
Re: Water - Drink constantly. One of biggest problems post op can be dehydration. You don't have to start the wait 30 mins before/after eating until you actually get to "chew" ... LOL You should check with your nut., but I was supposed to be getting in at least 64 ou. of water daily, so you would need more than 2 ou. an hr. to get there.
Re: Incisions - Again check with your Dr's office, but mine asked that they not be treated with antibiotics or anything else. If you notice unusual redness or feverishness, contact your Dr's office asap. Otherwise, just let nature take it's course.
Do the best you can with the protien shakes. I know that they are awful, but remember it's just a moment in time. Keep your "eye on the prize" ... this too shall pass.
You'll lose the IV fluids and then some pretty quickly. Don't worry about that.
Take care,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Hey ECUMindy, it's ECUWendy!
Gosh, can you believe how time has flown since our first "meeting" back in July?!?!
I'm so happy to hear everything is going so well for you. I plan to be here next week this time posting about my first few days post-surgery too. Take care and I'm sure I'll see you before long.