Mini-Rant... No More of a Pity Party..

Oh Jennifer...I'm sorry to hear you are all over the place emotionally. That is one thing I am not wanting to deal with because I have already been there done that on the medication and bought the t=shirt.
But...look at you girl.... simply beautiful. you have so many things to be thankful for. One being that cute cute cute hair cut that I have now wanted since I first signed on OH and saw your beautiful face. You are such an inspiration to so many people. You would never know you hide the emotional part so well. So you do need to work on that....and it is ok to take meds for a little while if you want to. ONLY if you want to. That is why they have meds. You have accomplished so much and come so far to let this part start defeating you..... Its just a day.... tomorrow will be better.!! Heck..Its Friday.
Its the weekend.
And in NC its gonna be beeeautiful!! Finally Fall!
(hugs) Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!