Persistance = Happy Dance
Thank you to everyone that has helped me through my rants for the past couple of days..! I finally did make the dreaded phone call to Dr. B's office and tell them that I would come there...if no one called me back by the end of the week to get copies of my paperwork and try to submit it on my own. Well, that must have got someones attention because within a few hours I had not only a phone call but all of my paperwork was submitted to insurance!!! WOO HOOO. So, everything has been submitted to UHC and now it is a wait and see time from them.
I am just so grateful that you guys kept pushing and pushing me to do it. I had been emailing and voicemailing....but I guess your encouragment gave me the "gusto in my voice" to let them hear I was serious this time. I can't believe I told them I would just "show up by the end of the week if I hadn't heard from them". I feel quite empowered.
Thanks... Now... While I sit here and wait with ya'll ... i'm gonna do my best to post as much as I can. I love this place. You are wonderful. I have lots of questions still. Lets have some FUN!
Its almost the weekend.
Connie - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, no wonder they haven't called me back yet today! They're all hiding in the closet! lol. I know you are thrilled that you finally see some "action". Now, the waiting game. Give insurance a couple days and then check with them- call them directly, faster results. You have a great Dr. and a wonderful staff. Enjoy your weekend! I can't wait 'till next week- craft fair!!!
I hope you all pardon my "french" in advance. They say "*****" like it's a bad thing, but sometimes that's what you have to do. The old adage is, "The squeaky wheel gets oiled first." It's true.
I'm glad you felt powerful enough to take this into your own hands and tell them exactly what your limits are. I had to do essentially the same thing and so did many on this board to get their stuff done. The truth is, you aren't the only one who's being assertive and proactive about their health. Those are the ones that get their papers done first.
One of the many things I've learned from the whole process is that with the health care industry, you've got to be assertive. In fact often, you've got to do their work for them. I'm so glad this worked out.
Take care.