One week to go...
You all are probably going to get tired of me posting and saying this, but only ONE MORE WEEK and I'll be having surgery. It's really hard to believe.
I went to support group last night and it was really good. I was able to talk to some people that had just had it done-- one guy was 12 days out! I asked for tips and tricks for the first week and they all said what you say-- SIP SIP SIP and WALK WALK WALK!!! I guess I know my "marching orders" per say. :)
Thanks again for all of your support. I know I'm still a "newbie" here, but I really enjoy reading your posts, following your progress and learning about what is coming for me!
One week and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Are you kidding me? Getting tired of hearing it? Not a chance!
Oh, boy! Just wait till MY day is coming. Y'all are gonna rue the day you ever heard from the likes of me! All my "halleluiahs" and "amens" are just simmerin' below the surface.
"Look out! She's gonna blow!!"
Go ahead, girl! Shout it from the rooftops!
I'm gonna...

On October 4, 2007 at 7:40 AM Pacific Time, LooseCannon wrote:
Are you kidding me? Getting tired of hearing it? Not a chance!
Oh, boy! Just wait till MY day is coming. Y'all are gonna rue the day you ever heard from the likes of me! All my "halleluiahs" and "amens" are just simmerin' below the surface.
"Look out! She's gonna blow!!"

Mare, you are too funny!!!! Thanks so much!!! :)
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Mindy, get as excited as you's gonna' be YOUR RE-BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A second lucky are we for this?????? I repeated it so many times and it was all I could talk about, I had to physically close my mouth because I think those close to me thought I was stuck on "repeat", lol. You go girl!