OT: Do I need H2O and AZO??
'Kay, ladies,
Never had a UTI, but think I may have one now. I read the symptoms online. The only one I really have is the pressure like I gotta pee and when I do, it's a little dribble...but quite often. Only mildly uncomfortable. Do I need to see my gyno, or is there something over the counter I can take, like AZO? Do I need antibiotics? I know I haven't been drinking enough water lately, so I am really tanking up today, hoping to flush myself out.
Opinions/remedies welcome. Thanks.

NO YOU ARE NOT THE QUEEN OF UTIS I AM!!!!!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO we have had this discussion before LOL I hate them!!! Pean you need to go to the doctor.. they usually have me pee in a cup and give me antibiotics and something else I cant remember the name... its a black colored pill and it KILLS the pain 

if i only have a hint of discomfort and i'm not really sure, then i just start drinking alot of water and/or cranberry juice. if it is really uncomfortable or painful then i will see the dr. and like Jennifer said, the AZO only helps with the discomfort/pain. it doesn't get rid of it. if you do have one, you need antibiotics
Don't you remember that gigunda UTI I had the end of August? All you gotta do is ask your doctor if you can swing by for a UA (Pee in a cup) and you will be sent home with antibiotics and pain meds if you need them. This will only get worse if left untreated and it's an infection. No gyn exam needed. Really a minimal exam if any is needed especially if your doc has seen you recently. Acidify your system with cranberry juice or mega doses of vitamin C and drink LOTS of water! Parsley and asparagus also help flush out the kidneys and bladder.
Love you! And hope that you have already been to the doc's!