New photo added
LOL at warhorse... I told hubby and he started laughing.. most of the old warhorses are married
thats why Im having such a time finding Sheila a suitable date.. I have plenty of young Marines available but you would probably feel like a baby sitter at the end of the night LOL Im doing fine thanks for asking. I still come here everyday and post. I just have not done a post about me in awhile. Dont really have anything to say except Im dying to be moved onto the next level of foods. hope you have a great day!!

Thanks everyone. It is a good feeling to finally be comfortable with your body and at peace.
Not a day goes by, that I take for granted my Band. AND my friends who offer such love and support here on OH.
And Darcie- younger is ok- will dare to go 10yrs younger, but no jail bait! LOL! These days I don't not feel my age and that's a good thing!
Can't wait to see your photos from the Ball- its only 5 weeks away!
Suz- you and I can go crash the Ball! I know where it is in Myrtle Beach! Hehehe....
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....