6 month follow up
Okay, here's the scoop. Dr. Chapman was very pleased. I'm down 110 pounds! It's such a relief to have that part over with. I guess we can chalk my nervousness up to my head not having caught up with my body yet. Also, my blood pressure was down to 116/66 as opposed to 140/85 3 months ago. That in itself was phenomenal!
We also talked briefly about plastic surgery. He says that I have a large amount of excess skin that will have to be removed. He said that I will probably have 25-30 pounds of it to take off! Wow! He refers his patients to a PS at 1 year, but they usually put them off another 6 months to make sure they've stabilized. That would put me having it around this time next year. How exciting!!
Anyway, that's all I know. Thanks for putting up with me.
Take care.
It'**** and miss, mostly miss, as to whether or not insurance covers plastics. If you have some other reason you need it, you're more likely to get approved. I am a little disfigured from a previous surgery and need to be reconstructed from that, so I think I can get something approved. The question is how much. I am praying that by then insurance companies become more well informed, or somehow grow a heart, and start covering it.
As far as cost, I'm hearing 22,000 for a full body overhaul, 5-7,000 for the TT. Those figures are just what I've read from others, not directly from a surgeon. I would like to have my stomach, thighs, butt, arms, and boobs done, so I'm looking at the higher figure. Come on Med-Cost, you can do it!!!
Take care.

Hey Ellen,
I want the TT and the breast enhancement. I don't know about insurance as we are switching Jan 1 from UHC to Highmark BCBS. The company I work for is saying they have better coverage. Scares me, but you never know, I may have a better chance. If not... 2nd mortgage time. I know a lady that had the TT at Chapel Hill and she paid $7,000. My arms and legs are ok (thank you for the genes Mom & Dad), however, I would like a butt enhancement, chin lift, boobs and TT. That's all.

"Thanks for putting up with me."
My goodness why would you say that when you are so kind and good to all of us? I go for my six month checkup on Oct 22. I am hoping to be down 100 lbs by then. I want to surprise my doctor! I've heard 18 months is standard for the tummy tuck. I was hoping for January, but I won't know until I see Dr. Farrell or Dr. Overby on Oct 22. We will undoubtedly have those surgeries together too!
Congrats on the wonderful progress. We love you!