I just want to tell everyone to look at Ellen's new pics.
Ellen, you have come a long way. You look fabulous! You need extra praise for your good work, you had other issues to deal with during your post op time. Don't be hard on yourself for the times you couldn't get your vitamins in or not enough water. You have had a lot going on. I am so proud of you! How is your son liking college? I will see you this Saturday at the Walk from Obesity! I want to thank you Ellen for being so kind and helpful, not only to me, but a lot of others! Keep up the good work and take care of yourself. You look very pretty!
Thank you Stacy. I so appreciate your kind words and support. I have days where I think, dang I look pretty good, and other days that I think, dang the scale is lying and I haven't lost a pound. My head just hasn't caught up with my body yet. I regret that I let those "other issues" get in the way of my weight loss. I try not to beat myself up anymore, it's a useless past time. I is what I is.
I am looking forward to the walk on Saturday. I will see you there bright and early!
Take care.
P,S, My son seems to like college really well. He was talking about coming home every weekend, and now we never see him,
. That's a good thing, he's getting used to being on his own. At least sort of....

I agree and I met Ellen when she came to see me last week at the hospital and I immedietely thought to myself WOW she is beautiful!!!!!!! I also posted the same thing and emberressed her to death but Im telling the truth...glad to see someone else noticing her hard work and how gorgous she is!!!!