Daughter-car accident

on 9/24/07 3:37 am
HI All:      Well, my daughter who is 17 was in a bad accident this morning on her way to school. It happened about 1/2 mile from our house. She lost control of the car and went off the road, flipped more than once and hit a tree. Luckily and by God's grace, she walked away from this. She only had some arm scrapes and muscle trauma on her back. Somehow though the air bags did not deploy though. The State trooper said she is quite lucky to have walked away. He cited her though for excessive speed. I had left the house a few minutes after her and while I was driving I saw someone walking on the side of the road....I live on a country road and thought to myslef, "why is someone walking out here this early? " and then as I approached I saw it was her. I freaked knowing she had wrecked. I panicked and was scared to death. I had not seen the car yet. I drove a bit further and saw the car and then got her to the hospital which is about 35 minutes from the house. Unfortunately the other side of this as well is that she was in my ex-husband's brand new car he was letting her drive. I have her on my insurance and looks like we are both going to be paying for this for a long time. I am SO SO very thankful that she is ok though. Can we say that when it rains it pours. While I was at the hospital with her, my son's school called (he's 13) and said he didn't follow the rules on the bus and was suspended for three days. Will everyone just say a quick prayer that I survive motherhood. Today has been a bad mom day. I feel like getting in the car and driving and driving and driving....far, far away. Nope, can't do that. But, I do feel like crying here. I had one small cry earlier. I am quite sick to my stomach and haven't tried to eat just yet. Thanks for letting me vent. I know there was an angel watching over her. I lost my mom 23 years ago when she wa**** by a drunk driver, she wasn't wearing a seat belt and was thrown from the car. She died 4 days after the accident. I know how incredibly lucky I am but am still sick about the ramifications from all of this. I am not a wealthy woman. It will all be ok. I am sorry I am rambling. Just think of me folks. Thanks. Lisa Lisa

on 9/24/07 3:56 am - Sanford, NC
Lisa, Thank God she's OK!  What a horrible day for you.  I guess today's a bit of a wake-up-call for both of your kids, huh? I lost my mom to a drunk driver too, so I can certainly sympathise with you on that.  My mom was killed 2 years ago this November.  That was definitely the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life...still is sometimes. Not wanting to one-up you, or play the my life is hard too game, just want you to know that you're not alone!  We all support you and are giving you hugs today!
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker 


on 9/24/07 4:51 am
Thanks Deb! I know you weren't trying to one up me. I didn't take it that way at all. Yes, losing mom was one of the toughest things I have gone through as well. I have also lost my dad (three years Nov) but it was not near as bad. There were diffrences in cir****tances as well as my mother was young and so was I. I guess I felt like my dad got to live more of a life although he could have been here for much longer had he taken preventative measures to prevent his death (colon cancer with no colonostopy until too late).  I can understand you because I remember what that felt like. Your pain is still very fresh in many ways. I have had 23 years to heal although there are many times I still long for my mother! I do miss my dad but I think there is nothing like a mama's love. Noone will ever love me like that. That was one of two times in my life I sought therapy. The other time was the divorce. Anyhow, thanks for the well wishes.

on 9/24/07 4:17 am - Pittsboro, NC
LISA, omg I am thankful your daughter is ok. I am also glad you can come to this board and vent cause we just need to do that sometimes. You and your family will be in my thoughts. Dont forget to take care of you during all this.                                    Love & Light,                                          Annie

It is never too late to be what you might have been.?
















on 9/24/07 4:54 am
Thanks Annie,      I am gald that I have the boards. Sometimes just typing aways is therapy. But, your replies really mean alot to me. You guys are super and I am just in awe of you and the job you have and are doing.  Lisa

Karen N.
on 9/24/07 4:29 am - Charlotte, NC


I'm thinking of you and will pray for you and your family. What a horrendous day. You will, however, get through this. Your daughter will heal and (hopefully) slow down. Your son will (hopefully) learn his lesson and behave better. The money will come from that special 'somewhere-out of no where' when the time comes. In the meanwhile, it's really ok to cry all you want and even pitch a hissy fit, if you want. Then counting your blessing will be a little easier.


Friend of Bill W.   "I come from a long line of plump women with bad knees"

on 9/24/07 5:01 am

Thanks Karen      You are very right. We will get through this. I alos said to her that this was her wake-up call. I hope they will both get with the program. Anyhow, your avatar is awesome. Now it is time to upload some full body pics. Unbelievable. By the way, after my mom was killed, my brother also became a friend of Bill W. 23 years now for him. The other brother struggles because he will not work it. Let go and let God, right? My addiction was/is food. Anyhow, you are doing great! Can't wait for some new pics.  Lisa

on 9/24/07 5:08 am
Karen:      Never mind I see you added them. 90 pounds is a lot of weight. You look amazing.

Karen N.
on 9/24/07 6:47 am - Charlotte, NC

Thanks for the compliments, Lisa. For some reason I still she the old avatar.

That's great news about your brother. 23 yrs is wonderful. I also have a brother 'out there'. It's so sad to see him wasting away. But you're right, it's between him and God. Nothing I can do other than be an example of how well it can work.

Blessing to you and yours and I hope the rest of your day is very uneventful!

Love, Karen

Friend of Bill W.   "I come from a long line of plump women with bad knees"

on 9/24/07 5:18 am - NC
Lisa, I know how you feel when you say you would like to get in the car and drive far, far away. Motherhood is the toughest thing we'll ever survive. The best piece of advice I ever got was to let my kids be who they were, while gently directing them towards the right path, and the heck with what the neighbors think! I have one who is really giving me a hard time but I know that she's not laying in bed at night planning out how she's going to ruin my day. It just seems that way!!! In the end each child is responsible for their own behavior and we have to let them grow and make their own mistakes. That is so hard for me. I don't want them to make those mistakes, but the truth is it's better for them to get into a little bit of trouble now than a ton of trouble the first time they leave home and are on their own. My oldest, Jen is almost 23 and she has been the easiest. most fun child to raise. We are very close now, in fact, I'd say she's my best friend. But my second daughter is having such a time of it. I have to respect her for who she is, which ISN'T her older sister. Anyway, sorry I'm rambling. Just know that you are not alone. In fact, I'd say we are in the majority!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Debbie
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