A little wow
This morning I was getting ready to go to the bank and to Curves so I do a head count of my dogs.
My male bulldog "Arthur" wasent in the house so I started looking for him.
He was out in the front enjoying the sun and I had to get him in before leaving.
So I walked around my house outside without my Cane it felt good and I felt pretty balanced.
Then I went to the bank and did not use my cane there either and as I was walking I felt confident too and a little taller.
Hi Annie - What a wonderful day for you! You keep amazing me with these accomplishments of yours. Especially when I am so hesitant to get off my ass and do anything minutely procutctive for my health. I am waiting to hear from VR if I'm covered, but in the meantime, I am doing "ZERO" to help myself! I keep finding excuses, honestly, to hide and wait for someone esle to fix me.
Wassup with that?
I could be making some kind of effort, but find myself sitting and waiting for someone else to fix me. I am the only one who can do that, even with WLS.
Oy! It's so difficult. I hope I am not a hopeless case. I don't want to fail at this. I have fought so hard.
I have had to have many heart to heart talks with myself over the years.
I did find out that I am the only person who can make good chnages.
I wasted 17 years of my younger life waiting for my ex to change.
During that time I got up to my heavest weight of 680 and at that time I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
HAVING BEEN TOLD I had diabetes was all it took for me to relize I had to do something to save my life.
Granted at 680 there wasent much I was able to do in a gym but I found I could benefit from the water and that is where I started.
Even water arobics helped me to start to move.
Back then I made myself go and just by doing that I was wiped out by the time I got home and had to take a nap but slowly my energy starting getting better and weight started to come off.
Only you can go through the surgery and only you can get to Curves or a gym.
Unfortunatly there are no magic answers and no fairy godmothers who can fix us.
You are not hopless you are just stuck.
Been there myself and I could make you a list a mile long of all the excuses not to go excersise.
The bottum line is at this point in our lives it is just hard work.