Headcold Remedy--post RNY
I have been stuffy this week too.. and I took some of my daughter's OTC chewable Clairitin. It worked! I went to Walmart tonight and they have an adult chewable too. WHOOO HOOOO! The kids one is grape and it tasted good. I am not sure about this other, but at least it is something to help out the stuffies.
I am glad to see that I am not the only one going through this "HEAD COLD" stuff. Jennifer got o here the other day asking about the same thing. I responded to her and I'll be dog gone if I didnt come down with the same thing. LOL
I have had mine for 3 days now, with a low grade fever. So I think its more of a head cold than sinus. I will take Jennifer's advice and get some claritin. Wonder if sudefed will work? I hope you get to feeling better soon. Oh and right now I am taking Tylenol sinus and severe congestion and its not cleared up yet. LOL

Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
Thanks, everyone for your remedies and wishes for a recovery. I am sorry it has taken me so long to answer Diane's message, but I feel as if I have ben in a "apathy fog!" I finally went to a doc and was diagnosed with a sinus infection. Thank Goodness for antibiotics. I am finally re-emerging into the world again! I truly hope we All feel better really soon!