
on 9/12/07 9:55 pm

Since I can't dress to fit anyone's taste on here and I put to much drama on here for you all.         I will be the bigger person        and leave you all alone. I am sorry if I ever bothered any of you.................. peace out...............I hope to god some of you can lay down at night and sleep all good knowing how you treat people...........go and make sure you sit on the first row at church on sunday.................... Diane F. I hope you loose all the weight you want. I hope you have the best life in the world. God bless you.  amy

on 9/12/07 10:03 pm - Haw River, NC
Amy, What is going on?  Did I miss something?  You don't have to leave us.  email me at [email protected] Diane

Through God ALL things are possible! 

on 9/12/07 10:33 pm - LaGrange, NC

Amy.....Don't leave.  We are here to support you and we need your support.  I know that after my surgery, I will probably have a lot of questions.  This board is for anyone and everyone who wants to be here.  There are some good people on here that give good advice.  Think about it before you leave.  If you need to talk, email me [email protected].  I am so sorry that instead of getting support and love here, you keep getting hurt.  I have seen people that have eating disorders and I know that it is very hard to over come.  You need to keep getting support.  If you don't feel you get it here, please keep in contact with the ones who do support you.  You can't overcome this on your own.  Please keep in touch.  I am sorry that you got hurt!  hug1.jpg


Barbara C.
on 9/12/07 10:45 pm - Raleigh, NC

Amy -

I don't know what happened. However, I really want you to know that we all need support from one another. You are a valued member of this group and I'd hate to see you leave. Please do reconsider.


ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

on 9/12/07 11:00 pm - Pittsboro, NC
Amy, You have been going through alot of changes since wls and it is bringing up lots of mixed emotions for you. I read your profile and I see how hurt you have been in your life for a long time. Just know you are not by yourself on being hurt by others.I still have a long way to go with my weight loss and I can see how easy it would be to go to the other extreme. As Barbara said you are a important member here. Try not to focas on what people are saying to you but look at what you have done for yourself and be proud of that. After all no one takes care of us but ourselves. Try to focas on the good things in your life. Life can be very hard and sometimes you wonder how can I go on. I think deep down you are a strong woman  and you can rise above the negative things in your life. Sometimes people can be quick to judge others. I cant feel your pain for you but when I say I really understand belive me I know what pain is like. email me if you want too. [email protected]

It is never too late to be what you might have been.?
















on 9/14/07 12:14 pm
Amy: You'll always be able to find some here who will hold your hand and pat your head no matter what kind of crazy dramatic stuff you post. You don't get to pick how people respond to you, whether it's mistakenly thinking you'll accept crack in exchange sex, or people simply offering you blunt advice on a message board. How many times have you flounced off of this board in a huff like this now? This isn't the first time I remember.  You disregarded some very kind and supportive advice in your crack head thread because it was apparently not what you wanted to hear. Your responses got fairly belligerent and made me wonder once again about the very obvious anger you have bottled up inside. Threatening to "go for someone's throat" or running away every time you hear something you don't like is not an appropriate way to deal with anger. By your own admission, you are very sick. You've been sick long enough now to know that hand holding and head patting is not doing you any good. You cannot fix yourself. You have to respect yourself enough to get help. Ask the person you're seeing 2x a week where to find it.  Good luck.
on 9/15/07 12:50 am - San Francisco, CA

Good Luck to you Amy.  I hope you can turn your anger around and starting fighting your demons.  And I second that you ask the person you are seeing for some references to a place.   Amy.....Hugs to you.  Please stop running away.  I wish I could show you how WONDERFUL life can be once you decide to make changes.  I am one person who does really care, and I also refuse to LOVE YOU TO DEATH.  I am a Single Mom too, and I know how hard it can be.   Here is the email I sent you.  I want to post it for you to read again.

Personal message

Date Sent: August 27, 2007 - 4:16pm
To: HOTTMAMMA      Click here to add this user to your friends list
Subject: Please call these places, Amy
Hi Amy, I Amy, I hated leaving my family. I even had to do one 28 day program over Christmas.  I cried and cried all day.  And I had to go pretty far.  90 miles to one place, and 70 to another.  You have to be willing to travel.  And have someone help you. I am so happy to be alive.  You can feel this way to Amy.  You can have friends, and support for the rest of your life.  And each day that you spend on working on you...you will love yourself more and more.  I may never be perfect....except for keeping clean and sober...but I am much happier with my life now.  And my children love me, and trust me again. You can do this.  One little step at a time.   Here is a eating disorder website for you read this story.  It is written by a woman named Amy.... http://www.something-fishy.org/thischild.php Please read the entire section called  "RECOVERY: Reach Out"     it is on the left hand side. Recovery: Reach Out  Reaching In  Recovery Toolbox  Take Care of You  Ways to Cope  Motivations  Affirmations  Love Your Body  Types of Treatment  Therapy Questions  How Will I Pay?     <-------------------------------- Here is a place in Durham.   Just call and talk. http://www.carolinaeatingdisorders.com/staff.php Chapel Hill http://www.unceatingdisorders.org/about.php OK....here is a good list.   I feel the best approch is Cognative - Behavioral Therapy CBT Here is one more list for you to look over.  All of these places have different things they offer. http://www.edreferral.com/states/nc.html But Amy....I really think you need to go inpatient, and right away before any more damage is done to your body.  Please go get help now. Keep writing to me...I really do care, and I really do understand. Cynthia

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Carl Sagan

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