Going Home for Thanksgiving
I have not been home for Thanksgiving in over 30 years. This year I am going home to Connecticut for 5 days! Autumn in New England is an experience everyone should have once in their lifetime. The fall foliage will be gone, but Thanksgiving always gives birth to winter and is a marvel to experience. I have purchased 3 turtle neck sweaters in plum, pumpkin and fuschia, a suede jacket and pants in a dark brown, boots and jeans. I also have a beautiful dress in black, grey and lavender to wear on Thanksgiving, with black tights and heels. I'm sporting a new short "do" complete with color. We live right on Long Island Sound and I plan on climbing out on the rocks at Avery Pt where I first talked to God. It is so incredibly beautiful. On a clear day I can see clear to Fisher's Island, NY. It's a time of renewal, coming home, giving thanks and glory to God. As some of you know, my main goal was to reconnect with my family. We have been estranged for 5 years. Well, I accomplished that goal this summer through the grace of God, patience and lots of love. It was truly a miracle. I just can't wait.
Sounds like fun! I bet it will be a lot more fun now since you've lost weight. Well, I am going to eat at someone's house for Thanksgiving. hahahaha I think my sisters. I have to start my pre-op diet (low carb) the Monday after. I gotta get my potatoes, rice, and gravy in. hahahaha. I bet it was a lot more fun buying the clothes too! You've got to get a good pic of your new "do" so we can see.
Diane -
Sounds lovely ... I'm sure that you'll have a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear about it and see new photos of you sporting your new hair and duds.
Take care my friend,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Wow Diane, sounds like your going to have a blast. I love the autumn leaves and the fall nature in general. It's so beautiful. I love fall. I hope it starts soon here. Temps. around 65-70 for a high with a gentle breeze. I can feel it now. I hope you have a wonderful time....


Diane, it sounds like heaven. As a fellow New Englander, I can also appreciate how special the Thanksgiving season is at home. There is nothing like it! And we are given so many opportunities to be grateful! Sounds like you will indeed be celebrating your gratitude! I do wish you will show us your new hairdo! Make sure you take plenty of pictures and SHARE!
I am from CT as well, I love the character of the landscape there. I just recently reunited with family in that area and met my brother again (hadn't seen him in 20 years!). Last weekend my dad got married and I went up for that. I must say I was laughing at them complaining about the "heat" after our heatwave/drought down here.
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.
Hey Diane,
I grew up in East Hampton, NY, and find solitude in the beauty of LI Sound, just as you so. I love NC, but how I long for those quiet nights gazing across the water of the Sound to Gardiner's Island, Fisher Island, Montauk Point.
Like I said, I love it here, but the Island will always be "home." I plan on surprising my mom for Thanksgiving. I haven't been home in a year and a half. Can't wait...can't imagine how you feel.
Oh your new clothes sound fab Diane!!! we would love to go home for Thanksgiving but its all the way in California and its too much travel traffic for us. I got stationed here in 1990 at Camp Lejeune and Hubby who is also from California got stationed here in 1998. Our families have been out here for vacation but no one can be bothered to come out for the holidays. They always expect us to fly out and my famly is in the beautiful Monterey Bay area and hubbies is in Los Angeles so we cant be at two places at once... its really hard because we would love to see everyone but the plane flies both ways if you know what I mean. I hope you have a fantastic time with your family!!!!