Lexi, I have Dr. Bauman and I love him, along with their whole practice. I think you made a wonderful choice. They are very caring, compassionate, discrete, (sp) professional, prompt, etc. Need I say more? All the appts. really have to do you with and the testing you do on your own. Some people gets everything done quick and others take their time- however you schedule permits. Once you submit everything to them, they fax it right off (at least for me and several others) and then it's a waiting game for you insurance. After that, they move you along pretty quickly and before you know it, your day to be a looser will be here! Good luck!
I'm excited, things are already moving faster. i will have my consult, nut and psych done by next thursday - I have had all the blood tests I just have to get the records fromt he other surgeon. I will have the H Pylori in the office, so the only loose end is the upper GI.
thanks for the feedback :)
Lexi - Size 6-8 and holding.