Went back for my second surgery post-op visit... I'd only lost 3 pounds! I was so upset. They told me not to worry because the second time he went in really threw things off and I had a lot of fluid weight to still get rid of. I was lucky to have lost any... he wasn't expecting me to have any weight loss this time. The good side is I can go back to work. Everything is working and the scar tissue as lost the war!
I still have to stay on soft/mushy and liquids for two more weeks instead of getting my veggies back... I so want a salad!
Protein. My energy is coming back and I'm raring to go. Last week was rough... I was tired and stiff... it was totally different from the first surgery. Well, off to work.
Hugs and well wishes!

Hi Shawna. 3 pounds is still great. It'll start sheding quickly. When the fluid is gone, the pounds will shed. Have fun going back to work. Hang in there.
T.G.I.F. Yey, it's the weekend

