
I did not have Dr. Bauman, but have only heard glowing reports about him.
I think it is really normal to feel nervous. If you think you should take a step back and try again, then I think you should do so. I had similar thoughts and concerns myself. I decided to look at my reason for seriously considering WLS ... basically that I had tried everything else ... I've even lost before, but I always gain it back and then some. I had come to a cross-road where I just couldn't keep going up and down ... and mostly, up. So, for me, proceeding was the right answer.
I know that you know it's a huge commitment. That's part of the nerves. Realizing that there's no turning back is huge. For me it was necessary.
If you have not already seen the Dr. I would suggest that you consider doing so. It might help you make a more informed decision
I wish you all the best, no matter what you decide.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I am a patient of Dr. B and I am just two "check marks away" from all of my paperwork being sent off to the insurance black hole (hand slap!) so it can get approved and then Dr. B can do his magic.
I will tell you all of the others have said, if you are second guessing yourself... haven't you done that before? and how many times? I have but now is the time in my life when I just had to take a look at reality and know just how much life really does mean to me and the other people around me that love me. I think my father honestly put it best... "I don't want to put you in the ground before me". Talk about reality check!! If that didn't do it for me, nothing else would have.
Dr. B is wonderful and yes he is a no nonsense - leave everything at the door kinda guy. He also told me if I gained weight he would postpone surgery. I was just there last Tuesday for my Nutritional visit and the nurse said that he was on a roll of cancelling surgeries because people were gaining between the first visit and surgery dates. He looked me in the eye and told me that he would cancel...I believed him. Now I really do. But his main goal is to get you to exercising. ugh. I know. I know. I'm still horrible about it...but I gotta start doing it now or it will be horrible later!
So... I think that is about it in a long kinda way.. (sorry so long
Hey are in Gastonia!>!>!?!?!>!>!> SO AM I... we need to get together for coffee or...ummmm... a brisk walk. LOL...
Hope this helped.