Let's get this thing back on track
I've not been posting or on much, but this second surgery kicked my @$$! This one let me know they were in there!
I missed the drama when I was in the hospital or at work. I doubt we could all meet and click... we can all be civil and support each other with what we all learn in our journey. I think we have a great board and support team! I just wish I was closer to the coast! Dammit, I wanna meet people too! 

I so agree about keeping this board positive and supportive.
Last week, my shop was slow, so I had more time to read and post- this week things have been pure chaos and I have had no time- not even to lurk.
I , personally, feel ANYONE and EVERYONE who is seeking support- pre-op, during surgery, post-op or 5 yr later are always welcome here! We all have our individual story and we all have the capicity to share and support.
When I drop out of sight for a few days or a week or so- its simply a reflection of my business being good....very good.
Love ya'll! Couldn't have made it this far without you! And the October Beach get together is just around the corner!

I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
I want to hear what everyone has to say. I does not matter if you are 10 mins out of surgery for 10 years. This weight loss thing for me will be a problem for the rest of my life and I will need help and advice from many stages of your success or troubles. What you have already been through will help me and others. Also I hope all can get help and support in return. I have already learned a lot. I wish I had more to give back. Hopefully some of my crazy questions will answer questions for ones which are afraid to ask. I am one of the newer ones but I am proud of all which are here, whether you are just starting the wls journey like me or close to or At Goal. It takes a lot of guts to change the anatomy of your body to gain a better lifestyle and healthier body. Let's GET'ER'Done!!!!! Stick together and support each other......we all come from similar problems...
My sermon is over sorry I got carried away!
God Bless,
Stacey, I think things are getting back to normal and on the positive side of things! I've only been posting for about 2 months but I need ya'll also. You're right we do all need the support from out fellow WLS'ers and I hope things continue to get better. Try to keep focused on our goals and keep our heads held high with a positive outlook, that's my goal! Take care of yourself and welcome back to the posting side!!!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
Boy, without ya'll, I honestly don't think I would have made it this far. There's been so many questions and concerns already that I have had answered or at least validated- and I'm only a month post-op! Yikes! What would I do way out in the boondocks without this board and my sisters and brothers here?????????????????????????
Love you ALL, Nancy
ps- not to mention everyone needs more friends!!!
Yep- Nancy- to the new friends and long lost sista ( you know who you are!!!)
And, as we proved at Mare's house last week ( WHERE, oh where is Mare????),
lots of laughter to be shared also!
Everyone have a great weekend!
I am a work in progress and I am committed to progress with the work ahead of me.....
Hey Stacie,
It's me, Diane Fowler, and I did return. Gigi is what my grands call me. 23 represents "to 3": I have 3 grandchildren. Things have really mellowed out on the board! We are a unique family here with so much to share. I am so glad to see folks like Amy Jo come back because we need her probably more than she needs us! We are human and (yes) even I make mistakes, or misread things. However, I do tend to learn from my boo-boo's, thank the Lord. Speaking of whom, I need to get rolling off to church. Good to see you again. Please keep posting.