STILL! I went for my two week appt. yesterday and I'm having sudden issues keeping anything down. Doc seems to think it could just be from the scar tissue... says it's at it's hardest the second week and it should soften back up in the next weel or two. Until then I'm still on liquids. What stay down anyway. I've lost 31 pounds and have to watch my potassium level. I'm already working again... been back a little over a week.
I hope this finds everyone well and in good spirits.

WOWWW! 31 lbs in 2 wks! My word, you are off to a good start. I'm sure that you'll start feeling better soon. I'm sorry that you've been having such a struggle. Watch that potassium and be sure to get in all the fluids. I'm sure you're on the downhill slope ... hehehehe...
P.S. Be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest too. You are back to work pretty early. You must be one tough cookie!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hey sweetie,
Sorry that your still on liquids. Way to go on the weight loss. My 2 week followup is next friday.
Not many people will agree with this but here is what I just started. For like lunch/dinner I mix stage 1 chicken/8 proteins babyfood, with a little chicken broth to liquify it and it sits really well. I have had no dumping or foamies.
You have my cnumber, call if you want to.
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"