Just a thought
When I was released from the hospital last week, some ladies from the Bariatric Center (which are friends of mine) gave me this flyer. The flyer states that on Saturday September29, 2007 in Charlotte, NC there will be a "Walk from Obesity." The time and route: TBA. I will keep you all posted if you'd like to get together and walk in this together. I thought it would be a great thing for us. If you would like more infor you can contact: Cleo Caldwell 704-316-8010 or Annie Lee 704-347-4144.
Just keep me posted if you'd like to come and do this. I have off that weekend so of course I will be there!!!!! PM me for my cell phone number and we'll keep in contact about this.
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
I wonder if there's going to be one in the Jacksonville area. Thanks for the number I'll give them a call tomorrow and see if they have a contact for here. I'd love to walk with ya'll!

08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
You can come. Its open for evertone. I thought it would just be another one of those fun NC OH reunions. Yes, call them tomorrow. I'm going to also to get more info about this walk.
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"
Sounds like a wonderful idea. Please do keep us posted.
Thanks for the info.
P.S. How are you feeling?
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I will surely keep you posted. I am doing fine. I walked 2 miles today. I am getting in my fluids, but not protein like I should. I have lost 21.6lbs so far. But I have had this terrible HA all day today. And it will not go away. I guess I will go lay down now and see if that works. LOL
Start: 289 Current: 195 Goal: 170
"Stars light the way to the impossible, but when they fade, they reveal the possible!!!"