Going to G'Vegas for Pre Op this Friday
Just to update everybody I didnt wait for the doctors office to call me.. I called them for my Pre-op appointment. I was suppose to get a call last friday but I was out of town and when I got home I saw no one had called as promised (real big surprise) no message left ect. When I called today I told the girl who books the appointments that I called and had left a message last Thursday to please call me and leave me my appointment since I would be out of town.. she instantly got defensive how she had been busy all day and couldnt call. What also worried me was she kept saying *yah I couldnt find anything on you* I told her I could check back when they finally find my chart but she said *oh no thats no problem we will find it by Wednesday* I have to say since the first dealing with them back in February that Im not impressed with the office staff. I dont care if they are overwhelmed.. HIRE MORE HELP. I am scheduled to FINALLY meet my surgeon for my preop appointment this coming Friday woohoo finally!!! Thanks Linda and Carly for the heads up with Ms. Insurance submitter... I hope she gets everything off on time for me!!!
Hi Darcie! Good to hear from you again! I am also curious as to what G'Vegas is, but have a gut feeling that you somehow managed to mix up Greenville with Vegas! LOL Have a nice vacation??
So sorry to hear that you are yet another person having problems working past the surgeon's staff. There must be an awful lot of us out there trying to get this surgery. But like you, I say "HIRE MORE HELP!!!" They are obviously making the money!
Hi Darcie!
Congratulations on your pre-op appointment! I remember those anxious days of waiting... and waiting.... and waiting some more. I thought this would never happen for me, but it finally did! It was worth every anxious moment, every sacrifice and lost penny from not working. Thanks for explaining what G'Vegas was... it was my next question. If I am reading this correctly .... your package has not gone to your insurance provider yet??? I just want to make sure I understand when you said, "I hope she gets everything off on time for me???" Thanks so much for keeping us all updated on your progress. Will you be joining us on the beach Oct 5? Or will you be recovering from your surgery! Take care!
You are correct, this office WONT submit your insurance package till you have a consult with the surgeon. This office didnt let me meet my surgeon until all the hoop jumping pre-op testing was done. I even asked today and was told that I will meet with their infamous *ms. insurance submitter* who has a really bad reputation on losing documents, putting things off to the side for weeks ect ect. I am praying all my documents get sent off without a hitch
After insurance approval (hopefully approved) I can finally get a date and I hope to see you ladies at the beach!! thanks for writing.
You are correct, this office WONT submit your insurance package till you have a consult with the surgeon. This office didnt let me meet my surgeon until all the hoop jumping pre-op testing was done. I even asked today and was told that I will meet with their infamous *ms. insurance submitter* who has a really bad reputation on losing documents, putting things off to the side for weeks ect ect. I am praying all my documents get sent off without a hitch

I had a great time in Atlanta We went to watch my Braves play on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Im a big baseball fan. YES G'Vegas is what the folks from Greenville call it.. I always hear it on the radio referred to G'Vegas and I think its hilarious because its F A R from Las Vegas LOL Yes the surgeons are bank rolling off these surgeries and I feel they should have first rate office staff...and have more then just ONE person that can help you. Nothing bothers me more then hearing *Sorry shes the only one that can help you and shes busy/out/in a meeting/eating/sleeping/making paper airplanes ect ect.. it drives me NUTS I worked for a plastic surgeon in the office for 7 years and trust me when I say you HAD to be perfect or you were gone. The pressure was high but the surgeon paid us good and said that his patients deserve ONLY the top care and that first impressions are EVERYTHING and that the office staff was the most IMPORTANT PART of his practice. Ill never forget his ethics or ways of thinking but he was totally spot on. I hope you are doing well 
I had a great time in Atlanta We went to watch my Braves play on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Oh that is hilarious about G'Vegas! LMAO! So good to hear from you. Will you be at Mare's on Friday? I intend to be there. Wish I could tell you I feel great but I am so over this. I am SLOWLY building back my strength, but I gotta tell you they damn near killed me this last trip to the hospital. At least I HOPE it's the last trip! Every time I eat anything (liquids only) I feel so STUFFED and sick. Takes me at least an hour to get over it. I sure hope he lets me start on soft foods tomorrow so that I can get in more protein with less volume. Like cottage cheese and eggs. And ground beef. Chili would also be good, I think... Do you have my home number? PM me if you want it. I have no long distance on my house phone. And poor signal on my cellphone at home.... sigh!
hugs to you as well.
Im glad you are finally done with the hospital!! Last time I talked to you, you didnt sound very happy and that one nurse was a witch to you from what I could hear over the phone. I wont be at Mares this Friday..I planned on going and wanted to see everyone but since I stayed longer in Atlanta I now have to work on Friday.. owell got to work to be able to play LOL.
Im glad you are finally done with the hospital!! Last time I talked to you, you didnt sound very happy and that one nurse was a witch to you from what I could hear over the phone. I wont be at Mares this Friday..I planned on going and wanted to see everyone but since I stayed longer in Atlanta I now have to work on Friday.. owell got to work to be able to play LOL.
Darcie -
I look forward to hearing from you after your visit Thursday ... It looks like you are on your way!
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High-264, Current-148, Goal-145