Back to the Grind!
Hey Wendy, Yes it's back to work tommorrow. Mine was low-key. I wasn't feeling very good Friday at work. My boss kept on trying to send me home early. I finally gave in. I left aound 4:15 and went straight to Urgent care. It started Thursday afternoon ,my throat was hurting and I could hardly talk. Went into my ears. Finally in to my chest. Now I'm on Amoxicillin,prednisone and a expectorant for 7 days. For that long it should be gone. Well, Have a good week. Maureen
I just went through a 12 day course of Prednisone...never took it before. Had a very persistant dry cough for about a month and a half. Wicked, I tell ya! But the Prednisone kicked it's ass! I bought some Musinex DM, 'cuz I thought it was a cough I could handle OTC. I should know better by now. My body is not that simple. Musinex DM did nothing but make my body smell "smokey." Ew, I know. Like I cooked a truckload of bacon, or something. Also, it didn't help this particular all!
If your hubby is a bacon lover, let me know. Might be a real aphrodesiac!
Mare -
OMG ... you have me LOL!
Thanks for the giggle.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Mare, you always crack me up!! I'm the bacon lover in this family,.........errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Anyway, cleaned all weekend, today went to buy a pr. of bikes and they only had his in, even as far as NewBern, untill Friday. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait. Cant wait untill the luncheon at Mare's house this Friday!
I think it would be hard for me to separate "work time" from "home life", I'd always be thinking about or doing stuff.
I love going to Barnes and Noble and just browsing around! I can get lost in there for hours. You'll have to let us know what you learn from your Dummies book. This Dummy can always us more knowledge! LOL

I think because I own my company, I probably work more than I should anyway. The old saying is true, you are your own worst boss! :) But I love working at home, I plan my work time around the times that I am most functional, usually 2am! My assistants come in at 8am and rarely see me before 10am.
Book stores (and the library!) have always been time traps for me, I walk in and suddenly all concept of time leaves my brain. I am usually dragged out of the store saying "but..I just...this book...but"