Summer's Over.. At least for me
Well.. it seems that my 2 and a half month vacation is over. LOL I have to offically go back to school today and the kids will follow next Monday.
I hope I have everything I need. Dean and I went and bought a small fridge Saturday. We are putting it in my room this afternoon. I have a small microwave. I will stock my fridge with bottled water tomorrow or Wednesday. I worry about food because right now I still have to puree my food. Therefore, I will be taking lunch everyday. Today it is pureed homeade veggie soup. And it is good. LOL
Things will be fine. I just have to get used to my new routine in my classroom. :)

Hi Jenn, Sure hope today went smoothly for you. Good idea on the fridge and microwave. Are you adding protein powder to your soup? That is my biggest challenge right now. Getting in the protein, as I cannot STAND these shakes! I am SO hoping that Dr Harris will let me convert to soft foods when I see him tomorrow! And I sure hope he pulls this JP drain as well. Can't spend the rest of my life with this thing in me! Gotta admit I am curious as to how much weight i have lost too...
Suzanne.. I have been struggling with protein too. I went to a local support group and one of the ladies there told me about New Whey "protein bullets" that have 42 grams of protein per 3 ounces. I bought some and they aren't the best tasting (they taste like super sweet liquid jello..) but they are worth it for only 3 ounces. ts.asp?catalogid=1238 I have actually gotten in my protein since I bought some of these. :)
Thanks for the suggestion, I have 6 of these. Was able to get one of them down. Just gag whenever I start to swallow any of this crap! The only thing I can manage to get down is a homemade chocolate shake with milk and cocoa and splenda and a scoop of whey. I have that in the am and then spend an hour feeling like crap. Then have more protein powder mixed in with soup later in the day. THen spend another hour or so getting over feeling stuffed and nauseous. Water is the only thing that goes down good. Plain water. Can't even LOOK at that iced coffee I wanted so badly a few weeks ago! lol