Anti Sugar Substitutes

Welcome home from surgery.
My dear friend is SPLENDS in fact it is actually made from sugar.
Good for your thoughts on organics I love them myself.
I think the best gift I got from my brother after surgery was a food processor and a jucier.
We are making wonderful fruit jucies without adding any sugar and Lee made a wonderful sorbet with necterines the other day which is yummy.
As far as sugar goes after surgery I have found it is a trial thing.
saturday at ihop I think I had my first dumping experince.
I ordered unsweetened tea but found myself in the bathroom a few minutes after drinking the tea.
I did found out from a post op grad I could allow up to 15 grams of sugar per serving.
This morning I had a small amount of apples and cherry baby food with some cottage cheese I had no problem and there was 10 grams of sugar in the baby food.
We just got back from the doctor and I had some vegitarian veggie soup.
I was unable to eat all of it and I am totally filled up right now and sorta uncomfortable.
Also have been drinking Ocean spray with splenda cut with bottled water and have done very well with it.
My appointment went very well yesterday.
I did loose 5lbs since last Wednesday but it puts me back at my starting weight before surgery of 343.
I am feeling better each day and hoping to start going back to Curves next week.
I did request to meet with the NUT on a regular bases and my surgeon was happy to write the order for that.
I did ask about having my cataract worked on soon and my surgeon said he would wait another two months if it envolved being put to sleep.
He did say if they could do it with a local that would be ok.
So I am waiting to hear from my eye doctor.
We are off to my foot doctor this morning for regular diabetic foot care and then a trip to HT going to ork on walking with just a cart today instead of an electric one.
I did walk half of Target on Saturday and did well.
Just got to keep trying.
PS I can use my hot tub again