
on 8/6/07 6:55 am - Gold Hill,, NC
This question is for Roc Baumen's patients.......My first appointment to meet with Dr. B was on June 8.  He has yet to sign off on my chart. It is said to be on his desk. Did it take the rest of you this long to get the ball rolling or should I be worried about a problem? I call ABOUT 1 TIME A WEEK.  But it is always the same. I have jumped through all hoops except Upper GI. I am the one which had 3 vertical c-sections and a large vertical hernia surgery.  I am getting anxious about this and worried I will not be able to get it done.  He seems to be very efficient and eiger to make wls a success. Would be interested in your comments. Thanks restless Myrtis
on 8/6/07 9:16 am - Pittsboro, NC
Hi Myrtis, The waiting is the worst and it can cause lots of worry to us who are waiting on the magic signatures from the doctors and insurance companies. I think by calling once a week is good thing because I found I had to really stay on top of it all. Make sure to get copies of reports for your personal file. I faxed,emailed called and hand delivered for almost 3 years but the one thing is do not give up and stick with it. There was a point I thought it would never happen for me but it did I just never stopped pushing. There was even a time when I had a bad bout of depression just waiting to hear something and had to start taking a mild antidepressant.                                              Annie

It is never too late to be what you might have been.? 















on 8/6/07 9:28 am - Gold Hill,, NC
Annie, thanks for your encouragement. It looks like things are starting to move for you. I don't tend to get depressed but I would feek more at ease if I had a little more communication with Dr  I want to get things going to save my knees. I surley can't do it on my own. I can loose but it always, creeps back. Thanks Myrtis
on 8/6/07 9:39 am - Concord, NC
I have Dr. Pirrello and I waited to for my file to be sent to insurance.  I would just keep calling to see or check on line to the patient page.  I know I kept checking that page everyday once everything was done to see if more of my tasks were checked off.  I emailed them as well, and they were pretty good about getting back to me. 

Myspace Text - 

on 8/6/07 9:40 am - Pittsboro, NC
I totally understand how you feel Myrtis. Here are so many morbid obese people out here just waiting to hear something from thier doctors or insurance companies and our co morbidities are not getting any better while waiting and jumping through hoops. My hope for the future is that for people wanting to have wls the whole proccess can be hurried up. Hang in there Myrtis you will get to the bench.                                        Annie

It is never too late to be what you might have been.? 















on 8/6/07 11:16 am - NC
"Here Here!" ...or is it "Hear Hear?" Either way, I second that, sistah!  Winky  Mare
on 8/6/07 11:24 am - NC
Hey lady,           It's so frustrating, Myrtis. I've been there, done that, and I am now back to square one. You have to fight for you. No one else will. I wish I would have been more vigilant from the start. I still may have come to be disappointed, but it would have come much sooner...with much less of my precious time and $$ spent.      Don't be afraid to step on anyone's toes. Alot of times they are overloaded and need a "gentle nudge"...sometimes they need a good, swift kick in the ass!      Do it...whatever it takes. I wish I would have. Best of luck to you, friend. Let us know how things go. xoxo Mare
on 8/6/07 11:32 am - NC
Sorry. Me again.      I want to make it clear that I am not Dr. Bauman's patient and that is to whom you were clearly addressing. (I hope you don't mind my commenting.) I just keep reading more and more about the blatant disregard for people like us and it ****** me off!       If we had a different sort of disease, we would have sympathy and understanding. Not very often is that the case with obesity. I'm sure there are exceptions. Although, I haven't heard of many. Sad, really. Mare
on 8/6/07 12:09 pm - Gold Hill,, NC
Cerrtainly all comments are welcome. I have been keeping up with your problem in wls and Ins. It does not make sense to keep a person from a surgery that will help us live longer and have better quality of  life. Wls will eventualy help keep us out of the hospital with complications we are sure to have with obesity. Thus costing the Ins. co. less money in the long term. My weight is a REAL health issue.  I have tried to control it on my own but can not. I am not fat because I choose to be. I can not quit food cold turkey like a smoker or an alcoholic. We need food to live. I do not know when I am full.Therefore I overeat and am obeise. I 'm sure my story is like many others. To me this is not an elective surgery is nessasary for my life. How can they call this an elective surgery. If we do not have the surgery the results can be just as life threatening as gal bladder, hernia, tonselectomy , cancer or heart diisease. I just don't understand the reasoning. I have BCBS and I am sure I meet the critiera for it to pay.......but my heart goes out to you and others that have ins .problems. I will get off my soap box now. But I have been angry at your ins.  company for denying you and needed to vent for you. I know you want this surgery as much as I do. I just want to git-er-done! Myrtis
Nancy W.
on 8/6/07 1:30 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Myrtis, call Angie at Dr. Bauman's office in the morning and explain to her that it's been on his desk since June 8, and you were just "wondering" if there was a problem or something more you needed to do that is holding it up.  He's usually on top of things like this...just seems odd.  At least you might get an explanation. Nancy

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