YES !!!! YES!!! YES!!!!! YES!!!!!!
I'm sorry you felt slighted. I didn't see your post either and I'm on here several times a day. Since so many didn't see it, it makes me wonder if it was lost somewhere along the way when they were changing over to the new format?
As far as an angel goes, I'm sure there are some here that live in your hospital's area that would be glad to do that. I would if I lived closer, but I don't.
Anyway, congratulations on your surgery. August 14th will be here very soon, do what you can to prepare your mind and body for the new life ahead of you. Walk every day as much as you can, up your protein to help your body heal after surgery, eat very small bites and chew thoroughly, and train yourself to sip your drinks instead of gulping. All of those things will help you during your recovery. I'm sure that others have lots of guidance too, there is a wealth of information on this site. We'll be here to cheer you on!
Take care.