Contemplating Suicide?...
...Try mowing the lawn! I damn near died!!! I couldn't breathe. I was roasting. I'm not sure what was harder to do... carry my belly around or push the mower! I've never had trouble mowing or anything. I'm officially too fat to mow. How pitiful is that?
I did make it through half the yard before I stopped. It's my neighbor's yard that passed away and apparently his nephews could care less that it's knee high! Someone smack me next time I get a wild hair and that 'think I can' attitude!
Next time I'll send that lil skinny country boy of mine!
And this concludes my near death experience for today. Thank you for tuning in.
Hope everyone is having a good day and week so far.
Rememeber... A laugh a day keeps the Prozac away!
I know how you feel. I helped my stepdad weed eat his deeeeeeeeeep ditch last year. Oh my God. I could feel my heart beating all over my body. It was terrible. He hasn't asked me this year yet. Maybe my brother will volunteer. You know what? You have such a great attitude. Some people get so depressed over their weight. It is good that you have a sense of humor. I have found that know that I have hope of losing weight, I am more able to admit really how much of a problem my weight is. I wish you lots of luck on your journey. Keep will keep you young.
Thanks. I've always loved being bigger... been that way since I was 5. I love my curves and jiggles! I'm the biggest I have ever been and now it's a problem. More a hinderance than anything really. I don't get depressed about being big, but my weight seems to effect the bipolar and the medication for that effects the weight. I'm like a dog chasing it's tail! Can't help but laugh. But what I want to know is... Why do skinny people get offended when a fat person makes a fat joke?!?
I like to do it to some I know have what I call 'weight issues'. My boyfriend's family was like that until I came along. His brother even met a big girl off the net and married her!
I spread the peace, love and chicken grease wherever I go. I try to stay positive and help others be the same. It can always be worse so be grateful for the little things daily and enjoy life. It's not always the best, but it's mine, damnit! I'm gonna laugh at me, with and at you if somethings funny. Enjoy life. I'm crazy and fat(and sassy) but not dead!
PS. You are very pretty. Give us a smile in that pic!!