Just "officially" started my journey today ....
I went to DukeWLS for my evaluation appointment today ... I met with the RN and Psych. The guy who handles nutrition was out of the office and I should hear from him sometime next week.
There's some real concern or management of my severe clinical depression. I'm glad that they are concerned. I hope that once they talk with my mental health team they will feel assurred that I am entering this journey with great respect for the emotional roller coaster that comes with the surgery and resultying major life-style changes. I hope that my mental health issues don't keep me from getting the surgery that I truly believe will possitively affect me physical and emotional well-being. I expect to have set backs emotionally, probably more than most people, but that is also why I'm working hard to set myself up for success.
I understand it could take two weeks or more to get through the medical review process before I'll know if I will be excepted into the program. I understand it could take another 4 to 6 weeks to get throught the insurance approval l process before I can get a date.
I think it's time for me to groom the virtues of patience and brevity.
Congratulations on beginning your journey! Duke has a great program. I know that 4 to 6 weeks seems like a long time, but it'll go by fast. Take this time to become very familiar with the procedure and your post-operative diet. Try out different protein supplements and start walking. Walking is the best thing you can do for your recovery.
Take care and keep us posted.
Thanks for your warm reply. I have started walking already. I walk about 30 minutes a day, most days and have a treadmill for inclement weather. I'm not an "exercise" person, but I'm hoping that this will be the first of many positive life changes.
I'm not really concerned about the amount of time it will take to get to surgery ... I've been tubby, chubby, chunky, heavy, overweight, since I was about 8 yrs old and I've been anywhere from obese to morbidly obese all of my adult life. ... So, 4 - 6 weeks won't really make a difference, I guess I'm concerned that they (DukeWLS) may decide that my long-term clinical depression will not make me a viable candidate.
I reallly think that I have the support/tools in place to help me through the process. I have been stable on my medications for about a year now. I have garnered support from family and friends, I have a PCP and mental health team in place that share my concerns and will be available to supply whatever level of theraputic support I need. I just hope the medical WLS team will agree and allow me to proceed on this journey.
Thanks again ... and I'll keep walking ... It's good for the mind, body and soul.
Dear Barbara,
Congratulations on the beginning of your journey! It is surely a roller coaster ride and will test your patients. I always bear in mind that everything is done in God's perfect timing. My faith sees me through so very much. We were taught so simply as children to trust in the Lord; as in the Lord's prayer "Thy will be done." I am here if you ever need someone to talk to.
Diane -
Thanks for your note ... I believe that you are right, this will be the beginning of a roller coaster ride; but, hey I learned to drive in San Francisco as a teen-ager ... the ultimate roller coaster.
I have been through a great deal physciallly and emotionally over the past several years. I am learning that I don't have control over everything ... that would make me pretty powerful wouldn't it?
NOT! I have become much more in touch with G-d and I believe that I will make the Lord's Prayer a part of my daily journey.
Thank you for your willingness to talk with me. I am a very social person by nature and have not yet "connected" through the OH community. I would truly appreciate accepting the invitation to "talk" with you.
Thanks for the wonderful gift!
I pray for your results. I understand clinical depression. I was expecting the predicted time of depression that many have said was normal after this surgery. It has not happened. I have so enjoyed the return of my life that depression has not been possible. (not to say it is not possible after major surgery)
Walking is good. I was once under physchiatric care and he suggested excercise. I now walk daily and it always makes me feel better. The surgery makes walking possible.
The elimination of certain foods have helped me with my emotions. I don't have negative chemicals in my body. I believe this surgery has helped me with my battle of depression. These are just personal observations about myself.
I wish you the best.
Diane B