Got a date...

on 1/25/07 12:15 pm - Albemarle, NC
After almost exactly a full year of trying I finally got my surgery date. It is February 7th. Originally it was tentatively set for the 6th but got bumped to the next day which isnt that bad considering Ive waited this long whats 24 more hours? lol When the nurse called to set the date, she told me that my two week liquid diet started NOW!!! This diet has been very hard to stay with but Im hanging in there and its getting easier. My cousin had this surgery in October and she has been a wealth of information for me. When she came home she decided not to drink the clear liquid protein drinks and proceeded to give me about 100 dollars worth of them. I have them and about 70 bottles of Isopure, plus chocolate protein drinks, plus chocolate protein powders, etc. Everything is in place. Ive got three meetings schedules next week with my surgeons office and the Anesthesiologist. Its finally sinking in that this is actually going to happen. Just a month ago I was about to give up. I still have it in the back of my mind that at the last minute my patient rep is going to say she doesnt have this piece or that piece of paperwork and I have to start over again.... Actually Ive dreamed of that very thing twice now. Ive been posting here for a little less than 2 years. In that time I havent had too many people seem to take a great interest in being nice and most of the time I considered myself lucky to get one response to a post. To those who did take the time to answer my questions or just simply told me to hang in there I do appreciate it. There were quite a few times I seriously considered giving up and you kept me going long enough to get past whatever was in my way at the time. Be asured I really am very thankful and I will not forget your kindness.
on 1/25/07 12:47 pm - Charlotte, NC
RM, First of Congrats! You have reached your end goal, you have a surgery date scheduled. I'm sure the patient rep is your biggest cheerleader, being the person in the position who has to tell the bad news often, when you have the opportunity to create joy for someone, it makes thier jobs more meaningful because they were able to help you over come those challenges. IT's awsome you have so many protien products that she gave you, this will give you a chance to try the vast assortment of what's out there. I don't do shakes anymore. After 2 weeks post op doing them, I could have cared less if I ever saw whey powder again. i now eat my protein in the solid forms, especially meat proteins. I hope your able to take this 2 year journey and feel some closure now that your completed with the approval journey and your going to convernt to the loosing side. I have some head issues which arose after the weight loss and the physical changes with in my body. I rarely post here, I often answer other peoples questions, but I'm not quick to call out for help on here. It's like a double edged sord. I have been having major complications - 2 in 2 weeks and someone told me I should be smart enough to know when to go to the hospital. I found this offensive because my dr was plain out right rude on that when I called him at 9pm. I am very put out by how the dr treated me. I am not going to post it on here, because it's just not the right place. I need to have a personal discussion wiht him and tell him why I feell I was treated wrong. But other people are biters, they don't care who their prey is. Good Luck. Go get Weight Loss Surgery for dummies from the library, it's an excellent resource, You might want a book to read after if you like reading.
on 1/25/07 9:33 pm - Albemarle, NC
Thank you Jennifer. I have that book. I loaned it to my cousin when she started out and she gave it back to me recently. I know what you mean about getting tired of protein drinks. I didnt think I would but the whey powder just isnt that great. I got plenty of bottles of water and some regular drinks for my kids so they wouldnt be tempted to get tinto my drinks and guess what? They passed up Dr Pepper to drink warm water like their Dad. I think Im going to have some "head problems" getting used to this. Almost everyone Ive talked to seems to think this is solely about getting skinny so I can date again or something. Truthfully this is the farthest thing from my mind. Im doing this to live. My diabetes is very hard to control and hopefully surgery will take care of it and allow me to keep my feet As far as medical people go, they go to school to learn all these things and oftentimes they forget that "regular poeple" dont have any advanced knowledge of medical issues. When I worked in a hospital I saw people bring their child to the ER for a cough. We would xray them, give them a breathing treatment, test their blood, give them cough medicine, and eventually explain the concept of Tylenol and Motrin to them and send them on their way along with a bill for 1000 dollars, all for something they "should have" known already. This kind of experience make medical people very jaded and a lot of them treat everyone bad because of it. Im not trying to make up for your Docs behaviour, just trying to explain how they get that way. Hopefully your body will get used to this and youll stop having complications. There are things that can be dealt with personally and there are things that need to be dealt with in a Docs office. If its one of the latter, who cares what the Doc says or thinks. If you arent sure, call the nurse in charge at a local hospital or maybe one of your surgeons nurses. There is a fine line here between needing help and dealing with personal fear mascuerading as physical problems. In the same situations I will err on the side of caution I think. Im not going to nearly kill myself just so my surgen can get a full night sleep. Take care and thank you for your post.
Karen N.
on 1/28/07 8:45 am - Charlotte, NC
Congratulations on your date!!! That's great news. Looks like it's been quite a lengthy journey for you. I'm so glad you didn't give up. Tomorrow is my surgery date...finally! Best wishes and please let us know how you're doing. Karen
on 1/28/07 9:52 am - Albemarle, NC
Good luck Karen. Youll do fine. Thank you for your response.
on 1/29/07 8:31 am - Winterville, NC
Congratulations RM! What a fight you've had! I'm jealous actually, I'm still waiting for approval. Good luck with your upcoming surgery! Please keep us updated about your progress. ~Ellen
on 1/30/07 11:24 am - Albemarle, NC
Thank you Ellen. Morning will mark one week to go!!! The appointments start tommorrow also. First the Anesthesiologist, then a two hour meeting with my surgeon. The pre op diet has been remarkably easier than I thought it would be. After the first two days it gets much easier. I made my kids agree to not ask for anything special to eat for the next two weeks and watching them eat Chicken Pot Pies hasnt been so bad. I know I couldnt do this if they ate McDonalds or Fried Chicken or something like that in front of me. My mom is starting to get nervous. She is not someone I really want to depend on, but I may have to. The last time I had surgery it was a major injury and she started nagging at me in the recovery room about my lawn not being mowed like it should be. I know its her way of dealing with stress but I really dont want to hear about it.
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