Hi John,
Just saw your note, and wondered how you are doing? Any thing new regarding your surgery? I also wanted to thank you for your note last week. That was very sweet. I think I remember you. Were you at the seminar in August? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, there were quite a few there that night.
Anyway, enjoy the cold, it won't last long. We'll be back to spring before you know it! And you'll be back on the course soon, I'm sure!!
BTW, my surgery went great, and after I got rid of the nausea, I am feeling great! Saw Pamela at Dr. V's office this afternoon, and she said I am doing great!
Take care, hope to hear from you soon.
Judie B.
I didn,t begin the seminars until August. I was hoping my surgery would be soon, but Kim found out from my insurance that they wanted 6 mos. of diet and exercise monitored by a Dr.
She did tell them that I had been working with Annie and Heather since October and they agreed to count that towards my six months. I will see Pamela next week and meet annie and Heather again in Feb and March. I kept a log of my exercises and diets which was lucky on my part.
I guess I am looking at an April date now. It seems so far away, but I am sure it will go fast. Thanks for asking.