Hickory NC post op 3 yrs
I relocated last Feb and now living in Hickory NC -- was wondering if any of you get together....not sure IF I can attend any support group meetings in the area since I had surgery in Pittsburgh, PA Dec 2003.
Got to goal...I lost over 100 lbs and then had a baby in May 2006. He is a perfect baby boy, Bryson Steel Welch! I gained a TON of weight during my easy pregnancy...and have 10 lbs left to go but we plan to try for #2 in a few months so I am not trying very hard. IF the weight comes off--fine....I do have a LOT more skin after being preggers! Was hoping that wouldn't be a problem. Will need Plastic advice after baby #2 in the area.
I work part time as a Sleep Lab tech at a local stand alone clinic off Tate Blvd in Hickory and I also work in Taylorsville at a Nursing home Vent unit as a Respiratory Therapist.
I would love to have a local group to meet up with on occasion do lunch etc......
I also have friend(s) in my Mommy group interested in WLS and would like additional information on the local dr's that offer WLS. Is there another group besides Hickory Surgical? Since I didn't have surgery here I am at a loss to recommend anyone to them. I only point them here and tell them to join up and ask questions!
I would love to work with any of the local support groups if they would allow me too...I am a big advocate of WLS!!!!!
Hi Shannon,
I am very very new to the boards. Just really starting this entire process. I used to work in Hickory. A nursing home on tate blvd. I had my sleep study done at the place you work at, a year or 2 ago. I know of the place in taylorsville you work at. I don't know if there are any groups or not. Hopefully we'll hear from this. Because, I too would love to hear more and more and more and....
The only groups in Hickory area is the Hickory Surgical, that I know of, and they work at either Frye or Catawba. I'm sorry I'm not more hehlp. Hope to talk to you soon.
Becky D. in Morganton, NC