I am about 10 weeks out ( my surgery was the end of oct.) for the last 2 weeks I have not lost but maybe a pound ( depending on what time of day I check my weight) I saw my Dr. At 8 weeks because I am having trouble with my gallbladder ( although all test have come back negative. I still have pain under and below my right rib cage) at that time I was down about 60lbs. What am I doing wrong I am eating the correct foods, not drinking with my meals, drinking as much water as my pouch lets me and exercising. I can only eat maybe 3 tablespoons at a time which I guess is normal. But I can't imagine what I am doing wrong! Has anyone experienced this long of a stand still this early in the process? Please respond asap. I am really upset. Thanks

hello tammy-
oh dear, have i sung this song, too! i'm over two years out and the only advise i can share is that everyone's journey is different so please- do NOT get into the comparing numbers with other's weight loss. your body is rapidly changing-- even if it doesn't seem that way in the day-to-day. just to put it in perspective, i never lost 60 pounds in two and a half months before surgery. your body is taking a breather to make sure you aren't starving yourself to death. do you feel good? that's always a great reality check. if you're doing everything that you know is best, just keep the good faith. honestly, one day you will wake and you will have jump started your weight loss.
take the very best of care. why not try on some pre-surgery clothes so you can get that warm feeling at how skinny you're becoming! you're in a plateau- it passes when you least expect it!
best wishes in this new year,
First... dont say "I lost but"... a pound lost is a pound lost so congradulate yourself! There will be weeks the scale doesnt move or moves just a bit. You arnt having a stand still if you are still losing weight! Remember you body is going thru a lot and sometimes needs time to adjust. Do you measure your inches? Sometimes the scale doesnt move but the tape measure will. People sometimes refer to that as "weight redistribution". Did your surgeon tell you what to expect in the way of weight loss? Try looking at your loss on a monthly basis... that should give you an idea of what to expect for the first 6 months out. Ive had week where I lost 4lbs and others where Ive lost none but over the span of a month Ive averaged pretty much the same.
Just make sure you are following what your NUT/Surgeon told you and you will be fine! Make sure you are eating enough according to their guidelines... I see a lot of posts where people are not eating enough calories. Make sure you get your protein, water, suppliments in and you will see that scale move again!
I was a "slow loser" compared to others that had surgery when I did....but you know what...I got to GOAL. I may have taken longer than others but I still got there. 1 1/2 yrs to lose over 100 lbs....but 3 yrs out and I am still keeping it off. I eat normally and don't use shakes/protein supps to keep my weight off.
Our bodies go thru these feast and famine cycles and it has finally realized you are starving it and trying to hold onto everything you give it! Things will stabilize again and you will start losing it is impossible to eat sooo few calories and not lose eventually! I would go a week or 2 and maybe lose 1 lb then lose 5 the next week DOING NOTHING DIFFERENTLY!!!
hang in there and give yourself a break! You are doing GREAT.