6 Months
I posted some new pix today... I hit my 6 months out December 20th
I have my follow up with DrMelkonian in two weeks and am excited to see my bloodwork and see what he has to say. As of this week I am down 60lbs and have only 32-42 more lbs to reach my goal! I am going to continue to work hard and follow the rules to reach my goal weight by 1 year out.
Its amazing how much things have changed for me from 6 months until now. I am very much starting to get into health and nutrition. I really think about what I am eating and take the time to read labels at the grocery store and purchase healthy products. I am eating fruits/veggies now that I would never have touched before and who would have ever thought salad would be a treat! Of course there are the phsyical changes... a few years ago I got to the weight I am now so I am super excited to see how I will look once I lose more pounds. Being a lightweight my mind isnt too much farther behind than my body but I still sometimes feel like the "fat chick" of the room, or "fat chick" of the group. Its strange to look in the mirror and realize I am more chunky or thick than fat. I shop in normal stores now and look like a lot of other overweight girls my age do.
Anyways, it has been a great journey so far. I couldnt have asked for a better surgeon, smoother surgery, excellent recovery and bump-free past 6 months. I look forward to what the next 6 months hold and also getting some Plastic Surgery! I cant wait for "the girls" to be back up where they should be!! haha.