Well I had my decision appt. yesterday. My doc to me he was going to submit all my info to my insurance. However he wants me to start a liquid diet. At first he said start it in about three weeks and stay on it for four weeks. That was until he found out who my insurance provider was. He came back flying in the room, I though something had went wrong. He than told me to start the diet tomorrow *(which is today). He said I will have you approved in no time. THANK YOU JESUS SO...........................................
Now I need your help.
I can only have water, crystal light, slim fast, ensure, nurtren, high protein drink or a high protein bar to replace a drink. What can I make at home that is high in protein that I can drink. I priced slim fast and all the rest and they can get expensive because he told me to drink at least 4 cans a day.
I need to do this liquid diet with braking the bank. Help a sister out.
I'm not sure what can be made at home, so I'm not much help there. I just wanted to say hi. I'm in Winterville, and my surgeon is Dr. Chapman too. Good luck with your approval and surgery. I'm still waiting on a response from my insurance company, which I hear can take a while. Please keep us posted on your progress.
Take Care.
Hi, Good luck on begining your journey. You might want to check with your surgeon but mine told me to drink 6 to 8 Carnation Instant Breakfeast shakes a day. You have to use the blue box (Low Carb) with 1% or fat free milk but that's what I did the entire time I was on the liquid diet as well as the 6 weeks after when I had a few minior complications.