Checking In :-)
Happy New Year!
It's been quite a while since I've been active on this board, but I wanted to stop by and say hello and let everyone know that I'm still doing very well two and 1/2 years after surgery! Those of you who are just beginning your journey, hang in's WELL worth it!
I'd also like to say that I love the changes to this site! It's much easier to do updates to profiles and to add pictures to your profile! I finally updated mine, by the way! Best of luck to all of you out there!

Hi Bryon!! Just finished reading your profile and you had me rolling in the floor laughing!!! (well, o.k., not really in the floor cause Lord knows, I'd never be able to get up but you know what I mean!!). Your pictures look great and I don't understand how you can say that you aren't photogenic - PPPPLLLLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!! You look fantastic!! Can't wait till I look as good!! Take care and keep updating - I need a good laugh every day!!!
Donna F.