HI Everyone,
I cant belive this is happening!! I got up this morning went downstairs and my cell phone was ringing, It was the surgeons office telling me I got approved !! This is such a miracle for me because I was denied twice and didnt think it would ever happen.
Tomorrow is my birthday!! and they gave me a surgery date for JAN 16!!
This is a birthday I will never forget and Jan 6th is my 27th anniversary!!
This could not have come at such a great time in my llife!
I am so excited I cant think straight. SORRY for going on like this but GOD IS SO GOOD!! I have prayed and prayed for this day and its finally here.
Of course Im excited, scared and nervous all at the same time and all these things are going through my head now llike Can I do this? Is this what I really want to do?
I started this whole process last Aug and they gave me such a hard time because they wanted me to have 6 months of documented diet history for this year, which I didnt have but my surgeons office did an appeal and everything went through!!
I guess my appeal didnt mean a thing to them LOL BUT NOW ITS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!! WOW Sorry Im so excited I had to tell eveyone.
Well I just want to thank you all so much for all your support here on OH and I will be back asking for more advice from all you pros out there.
Take Care and Everyone have a Great Holiday!!

HI again Kristi,
Just wanted to know how your making out? Have you heard anything yet on your surgery? I noticed last time you said you worked in Pineville.
Where in Pineville do you work? I work in Charlotte off Nations Ford Rd.
Im getting more nervous the closer the time comes for me to have this surgery
and Im hoping... God willing, that everything goes ok and I get on track to a better healty life. This is so exciting for you also Im sure. I bet you cant wait to hear that you got your surgery date. Thats the best thing ever.
For me it seemed like I was never going to get it because the insurance co just kept giving me the hardest time. I was so stressed out I was getting sick over it but I kept praying that God would get me through this and in his own time he did.
Their were days when I thought he just didnt want me to have the surgery because I got denied and didnt think it would ever happen. So you can imagine how shocked I was when my surgeons office called me on Dec 22 to tell me I was approved!
At first I didnt know what to say, I told the girl " are you serious"? and she said yes they approved you. I still keep thinking IM going to wake up and its all going to be a dream. GOD IS SO GOOD to me how could I ever think he would not want something that is so important to me?? HE is the one who got me this far and Im sure he spoke to the person at the insurance co somehow to get them moving on it.
Im sorry for going on and on like this but I just need to talk to someone about my experience in all this. Please keep in touch if you ever want to talk.
I think it would be great for us since you are getting pretty close in coming to your journey yourself. Take Care and Good Luck to you Kristi
Merry Christmas Denise