:help: :angel: Riegelwood Tornado DOnations
Hey everyone. I live in the Riegelwood/Delco area. As all of you saw on The News we suffered a great disaster right before Thankgsgiving. I'm hoping to bring some joy to some who lost everything with the giving of some clothes. I'm willing to pay all shipping cost and would love if anyone adn everyone would help me out with this. I wanna bring some smiles to some of the people in my neighboorhood who lost everything. I know money is a big deal now and thanks to everyone across the country that need is being made. But a big need to clothes for women,children and women. I happen to know many of the victims and also some who did not suffer to the tornado but need help at these times with clothes. Its getting cloder here in NC IF you can believe that or not! (we have had some great weather but its getting cloderand colder and people need our helps. I know I cannot afford to do it all but Any little thing I can do brings a warm joy to my heart. IF you have any clothes you would like to donate or send to me to get out to these people (I will cover shipping)it is so much appreciated.I hope all of you can help! IT will bring you a good feeling ot know your helping those in need! Thanks to anyoen who would like to help. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any clothes /shoes/or any toys(for kids) would be greatly appreciated. I really appreciate the help. I lost 2 good friends in the horiffic disater. One was a feloow fire/rescue ems/firefighte and another I went to school with through out elementary/middle and some highschool. Please help in anyway you can. Please no money is needed. I just need help getting clothes and shoes and toys to help those in need in my area! thanks so much and May God bless you ffor giving in the special time of need
Lindsey Crosby
Any donations can be sent to
Lindsey Crosby
6145 Livingston Chapel Road
Delco, NC 28436