Comming for a visit!!
HI all I just wanted to stop by and ask you all a question. I am comming to North Carolina in Jan. to Raliegh for a training! I am staying at a holiday in right across from the cherry somthing mall. just wondering if there is anywhere fun to go. My friend from Burnsvill NC is going to come meet me thier. I am from Wyoming and have never go that far before so any info would be great!!
What's fun for you? Museums? Clubs? Shopping? Site seeing? Historical stuff? We've got lots!!!
Check out:;_ylc=X3oDMTE3N2phcW1v

I don't know going to club on Sat. when I get their sounds like fun or Thursay after class or Friday !! Have you ever ate at the cheese cake factory?? I guess their is one right by my hotel!!I have never been to one. I would like to go to a mellow club where I could maby dance that's kind of close to my hotel if you know that is by that mall. Thank you for the link!!