Pain Scale
right after, I'd say a 7.
By the time I went home I was prescribed pain pills (had it filled just incase) but I never took one.
I really believe that walking and getting up and getting around will help with the pain. My opinion only, because I really truly don't remember the pain being out of control (could of been cause I was pushing that button too tho). I had surgery in the middle of the day and that after noon I was walking, course I didn't want to but the doc insisted. And every day that I was there I was walking morning lunch and night time.
My surgery was early morning around 7am,,,,, I never felt any discomfort at all,,, I did keep a finger on the morphine pump ( yummy stuff , use it ) .... the drain was a pain , keeping it hung on my house coat,,
I had a main line ( IV ) in my neck , due to vein problems right after surgery, so I could not turn my neck and the next day my husband had to wrap my neck with plastic for my shower ( yes, Dr Melkonian allowed me to shower the next day , it was no big deal ) ..
I think each person is different, I have never had a baby so I can not compair the two ( Although I would think having a baby would be much much much much more pain ) ,,,
I have suffered a broken back and frost bite from a nasty fall on the ice a few years ago,,, ALONE. By the time I was found I had bitten a hole in my tounge ( not a pretty story , trust me ) .... THAT pain was much worse than a RNY .
Foot Surgery X 5 , all have been more painful for me.
I would say , for most people there is pain, I was just a lucky one ( Or could be because I stayed close to the morphine ) .
Good Luck and don't worry about the pain,, it was worth it
Just remember to take care of yourself before surgery and after, follow instructions to the T

I am a month out almost. So the surgery is still very fresh to me. On a scale of 1-10 I would say when I woke up in the recovery room I would gage it as a 9 but by the time I got to my room I would say it was a 5. The pca pump is wonderful. My dr is dr lowe (awesome) he does not use a drain so that was one less problem to deal with. For me personally all the pain was gas. Gas,gas,gas. The incisions (lap) were nothing. You have to walk that gas out. I have had back surgery two c-sections and my wisdom teeth cut out. This was nothing compared to any of that. Good luck tammy

I had excellent pain management. The key is to take the pain med's as they offered at the hospital then you will be able to function. I did need a few pills after surgery and during the first few days, however, my pain was managed well. I also usually vomit from anesthisa but I didn't have problem with that either.
The grosses thing to me was the drain in my belly. Yuck. I also remember feeling great when I was finally able to get out of bed and walk.