Need follow-up care in NC
Hi! We're neighbors!!!!!!!! I live in Ashe Co.! My dr. is in Hickory, Dr. Monty Cox and he is really wonderful! He is at Frye Regional Medical Center. The drive from Sparta to Hickory is not bad at all. His phone # is 828-327-9178. All the girls that work there are super too. Let me know if you get in touch with them and want to go. I'll be glad to give directions! Welcome to the mountains!!!

Hi Liz,
I'm Cathy S. My maiden name was MYERS yaaaaa...
Anyway, my journey is just beginning and after researching and reading profiles and I also work at Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem and have some friends there that has already had their surgery. I went to a meeting not long ago and I am 100% settled with Dr. "Fuzz" Fernadez doing my surgery WHEN I am ever approved next year sometime. He has done many surgerys and from what I was told, he has only lost 1 patient and that person was already dying and it was his only hope for survival. Good luck with finding someone.
Cathy S.