Hi everyone,
I just wanted to get on and tell everyone hello, and give the sataus of where I am with my journey. I had my first appt Oct 25th. ....and I called DUKE this afternoon and was told that I'm still in dictation and that should be done the week following Thanksgiving. After that I go into med/surg review. So hopefully my surgery is in sight for me. Hope that everyone had a wonderful night.
Thanks for the support. When I talked to beth yesterday she said that it might be about 1 more week, but I hope to hear from her soon least the first week of december. As for my first appt it went well. I took a picture so that they can put in your file. ( a full body shot and then a profile), had a NUT appt, and of course your psych appt, I met the NP hillary, and the last thing I had done before I left was had some labs done( which I was very thankful came back normal). I just mad sure that I had all the required testing done before my first appt( I was told that I may help speed things along) I hope so.
I'm was very excited about my first appt and I'm looking forward to my second one.
Please keep me informed on your appt. Maybe we can go through this together.
[email protected]
Have a good evening