Light headed with the shakes
Hey, I am a year out now and I've been doing excellent until recently. I have been experiencing the shakes as well as light headedness. In the last few days I have had an on going migraine that just won't go away. I thinking it may be my diet, but I am eatingthe same as I have in the past few months. Anyone having the same problems? If so, what could this be coming from?
I agree it sounds like you are dehydrated ....I have not had my surgery but have had some episodes when I have gotten dehydrated......and I had headaches, feeling dizzy, and the shakes. ( you are not a diabetic are you...because the dame thing can happen with you sugar control)
I hope that you feel better..

Hey I am 16 months out. I have been that way for a while. My sugar dropps. I can't handle any sugar. So mine gets to low. And you could be having a little dumping. Sometime I can eat something and do good. Eat the same thing and get shakey and weak. Have the doctor to check your sugar. Good luck to ya.
Shaking and light headed w/you!!!
If I come up too fast I lose my balance, dizzy spells. I agree dehydration, so I keep gatorade, water or something, just to sip on.
You may also want to check your bp, bs levels to see if they have dropped too low. If you are on meds, you may want to contact your family doc. to see if your dosage should be lowered.
I still take bp pills, but my dosage needed to be lowered. Something to consider.
Take Care