Need help with an insurance question please. . .
After Jan 1, 2007, I will have Medcost as my primary insurance and Cigna as my secondary insurance. Does anyone know if it helps any to have two insurances when you are trying to get approved for surgery?
I already know that my Medcost plan covers the surgery but haven't checked on my Cigna plan yet. Any info anyone can give is much appreciated! Thanks!
I have Medcost and was turn down, my company is self insured with them.... BMI 47 and 317 pounds...Personally I think THEY SUCK.
( okay I am a little bitter LOL ) ....
I am self pay person , it has saved my life, I feel wonderful. The insurance companys in this world try to control our health and have started not allowing the doctors to make the choices they think are best, for us, it makes me so mad.
Best of luck , and take care

I have medcost now, they're okay. My plan has the WLS rider attached, so they cover provided that I jump through all their hoops, which is what I'm doing now. The best thing you can do is see what they both cover and go with the one that works best for you. I don't know how it works when you have two insurances though, so I'm of little help there
. Anyway, good luck.

I file the insurance for approval with out clinic and it's really doesn't matter if you have 2 policies or not....I will say I haven't had any real problems with Medcost nor Cigna. With cigna though, they require a 6 month supervised diet. So if you are going to file with both of them you have to have that 6 month diet complete before your office can submitt for pre-approval to Cigna. Does that make sense?
For you having 2 insurance companies you would just pay a little less.
Good Luck!!!!